woensdag 5 november 2014


Vanmiddag met de kinderen een nieuw project begonnen: 
gedroogde herfstbladeren beschilderen met acrylverf...

Benieuwd wat we daarmee gaan doen? Blijf deze weblog volgen en je zult het volgende week zien.


2 opmerkingen:

  1. So pretty! Children have no fear of their own creativity - if only it could last. Zentangle has offered me a route to the creativity I was told I did not have. It has freed me to create and love the work I do. I am so happy for these children you are guiding them on their journey. I hope they never feel stifled and unable to make beautiful marks on whatever medium they choose. Hugs for all you do for them and for us!

    1. Well thank you Jakki, how kind of you to say so! I admire your art very much! hugs to you too xx
